简介:Superjail! is an American animated television series produced by Augenblick Studios the first season and Titmouse, Inc. the second and third season. T
简介:Netflix正式拿下迈克尔·迈耶([海鸥])执导的LGBTQ浪漫喜剧[单身到底](Single All the Way,暂译)全球发行权。影片由迈克尔·尤瑞、菲利蒙·钱伯斯(Philemon Chambers)、卢克·马可法莱恩领衔主演,讲述为了避免家人对自己永久单身身份的判断,皮特(尤瑞饰)说服
简介:Amazon直接预订改编自Robert Jordan小说的诗史奇幻剧《时光之轮 The Wheel of Time》,剧集版由Rafe Judkins负责制片。《时光之轮》小说系列共有14部+一部前传(后3部因作者Robert Jordan逝世,改由Brandon Sanderson接手),剧集讲述
简介:In a savage land where zombies roam freely - Lieutenant Colonel Sawyer is armed with machine guns, body armor and courage. He is on a mission to give