简介:Ace Sniper Brandon Beckett and the newly formed Global Response and Intelligence Team (G.R.I.T.) deploy to Malta to eliminate an international terrori
简介:Dr James Fox explores how, in the hands of artists, the colours gold, blue and white have stirred our emotions, changed the way we behave and even alt
简介:Yahoo電影評分超越《THE FIRST SLAM DUNK》,全球熱賣1100 萬冊得獎神作熱血電影化!醉心爵士樂的高中生宮本大(山田裕貴 聲演)家住仙台,每天風雨不改在河邊練習吹奏色士風。畢業後,大獨自到東京尋夢,機緣巧合下,大在爵士酒吧遇上同齡天材鋼琴手澤邊雪祈(間宮祥太朗 聲演),二人一拍