简介:The first episodes were shot in 1922 and found an end in 1944. Totally there are 221 single episodes. A complete catalog of all episodes you will find
简介:愁云惨淡的华盛顿市,一幢普通公寓内,单身妈妈克莉丝(艾伦·鲍斯汀 Ellen Burstyn 饰)和女儿芮根生活于此。然而近一段时间,克莉丝却被女儿种种怪异的举止折磨得烦躁不堪。芮根的行为举止怪异,迥异常人。克莉丝带她求医问卜,终无所获,甚至精神科医生也束手无策。万般无 奈之下,几近绝望的母亲求助于
简介:A make-under rather than a make-over show, targeting people whose style is so in your face you cannot help stop and stare while their family and frien
简介:于8月10日上线﹑Jeremy Bronson主创的Netflix新喜剧《All About The Washingtons》是根据Rev Run/Joseph Simmons及Justine Simmons经历改编的自传式家庭喜剧,剧中传奇说唱歌手Joey Washington(Rev Run饰)